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Rhododendron Plants

Q.What’s The Difference Between A Rhododendron Bush And Vine

Zone Fulton Ky 42041 | sandyknip added on September 7, 2020 | Answered

My rhododendron seems to be a climber. I want to know if I can cut it back in the fall. I need to put a bigger trellis behind it ty

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2020

More commonly known as the Vireya, this Rhododendron type is native to tropical areas. It will not survive the winter outdoors. It will need to come inside when the temperatures start to get, even, remotely chilly.

Since they aren't exactly common, there is not a whole lot of literature on them. You should treat it as a Rhododendron with the exception of its cold tolerance.

These articles will help:




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