Q.Whats Happening With My Foxtails
Any thoughts on what may be causing 2 of the 3 Foxtail palms to appear to be dying .. yet the 3rd is healthy … all were planted at the same time. Someone mentioned Fusarium wilt but I did not think these palms were affected by that disease. Can i safely replace them? Thanks in advance – Mike
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I notice that the bottom of the trunks are awful dark. This could indicate Ganoderma infection. This bracket fungus is notorious for destroying Foxtail Palms, but soils that remain too wet will be the primary reason for the initial infection taking hold.
Once this has entered the tree, the damage is irreversible. Unfortunately, they will be on their way out. Treating the area with copper fungicides, and solarizing the soil once the trees are removed will help to get rid of the fungus.
Here are some articles that will help: