Q.What’s Happening To My Bougainvillea?
7 days ago it was healthy, now the whole plant is suffering like the detail fotos show. The plant has been in this position in the pot two years, the weather is good, late summer. 27°C day, 20°C night. No sign of bugs. Now today my second Bougainvillea 20 yards distant looks as if it’s starting to replicate the same suffering. How can I save them? I’ve never had water drainage issues.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, I am seeing what DOES appear to be a drainage issue. That standing water in the tray is no good, and will be what has lead to a fungal or bacterial infection.
Outdoors, it will not need to sit in that tray. This is for when the container is sitting over something that doesn't need to get wet by the drippings out of the container. In this setting, it will only serve to trap water, and ultimately, cause an infection.
I would remove the trays, and treat with a fungicide.