Q.What’s Eating My Mint And Basil?
Hi, I would like some advice on what might be eating my mint and basil plants as well as recommendations on how best to treat them?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks more like bacterial infection from severe overwatering. The white fungus on the soil confirms this, as well.
Basil will enjoy a thorough dry out in the top several inches of soil. In fact, I water mine when it starts to droop, and never before. The container MUST contain plenty of drain holes to allow all extra water out, AND the soil must be a very well draining mix. Sand can help with this.
It is much easier and faster to start over from a fresh seeding. By the time you could correct this plant, you could have another ready for harvest if planted from fresh seed.
Make sure to discard that soil. You will need fresh, disease free soil. Choose a container that has several holes in the bottom, so that water will not sit in the container at all.
Basil will, rarely, need extra fertilization but can tolerate feeding with a mild fertilizer. A higher nitrogen mix will stave off flowering for longer, allowing you more harvest time.
This article will give you information on the general care of the plant: