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Q.What Would You Suggest For A Natural Looking Shrub For Our Front Yard”

Zone 97707 - Zone 6a but various neighbors say to buy for Zone 4. | pattyrandallski added on April 22, 2020 | Answered

We live in Sunriver, OR, at 4,000 ft elevation. We do get snow: nothing to 1.5 ft. We basically have a large square for our front yard designed with a natural look of grasses, juniper, a few lg. rocks, and 3 mid-size blue spruce. It is a forest environment with deer, squirrels, raccoons, etc. Most of the front plants are all about 1 ft. in height and I would like maybe one or three bushes to put at the corner closest to the front door btwn that door and a small patio that grow to approx. 4-5 ft or that I could keep trimmed to create a focal pt or at least some different heights. Our front yard was planted 4 yrs.ago. Any help or suggestions for something different you can give me would be so much appreciated. Thanks. Patty

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