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Q.What Would Be Best?

Zone 28906 | Anonymous added on March 17, 2021 | Answered

My church is in Murphy, NC (28906) and we are looking to plant bulbs in our old church yard to make it look lively. Problem is, we know NOTHING about flowers. We want a perennial bulb but wonder what would fit these conditions: Full/partial sun, consistently moist soil, dark rich soil, low maintenance. Any help is appreciated greatly. (I have attached a photo of the plot we want to plant in)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 18, 2021

You could try a combination of bulbs. For spring you could plant a couple groups of daffodils in the front (they are planted in fall). They consistently return year after year. In the middle, about three daylilies would work.(plant in fall or spring) Then in the back, plant two or three types of true lilies, such as Stargazer, Casa Blanca, etc. Plant in spring after danger of frost.

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