Q.What Will Grow Under My 40 Year-old, Healthy, Well-loved Carrotwood Trees In So. Cal.?
Mostly everything I’ve tried so far – begonias, heuchera, azaleas – eventually dies as the attached photos show. I’ve been told a shade-loving groundcover might work or hardscape, like a water fountain or decorative rock. Thanks in advance.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The best thing you can put under a tree is organic mulch such as wood chips. Plants only compete with the tree for nutrients and water. In addition, digging into the soil can damage the tree roots. The feeder roots are usually about 12 inches below the soil.
The downside of rocks as mulch is they can increase the heat around the tree and cause dryness problems. Here is more:
Did you know Carrotwood trees are considered invasive because birds eat the seeds and leave their droppings in other areas where the seeded trees displace native species. Here is more: