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Elm Trees

Q.limbs die on drake elm tree

Zone South Alabama | Anonymous added on July 15, 2016 | Answered

What will cause limbs to die on my drake elm tree? It started last summer on two or three limbs – the leaves turn brown and fall off. Now I have more doing it. My tree is about 5 years old, maybe 6.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2016

Here is a link that I found that has information about diseases of the Drake Elm Tree.

They also can fall prey to Leaf Blight and are not immune to Dutch Elm disease.
To much moisture or constant wet soil can make them susceptible to fungal diseases.
It may be worth having the tree inspected by an Arborist to make the correct diagnosis and determine if treatment is possible.
I would remove dead material from the tree and around the base of the tree. Dispose of these by burning if possible.

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