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Lettuce Plants

Q.What weeds has my watering can caused?

Zone London | Becky25 added on April 28, 2019 | Answered

I’ve just sown some lettuce and radish seeds in a newly dug over veg bed and watered these in. Except a week later there are what looks to be small green seedlings covering the entire bed, not just where I’d expect them to be from what I planted. The watering can I used to water the seeds in had been left standing for some months and had algae in it which I think had contaminated the bed (there aren’t these small seedlings in the other veg beds that I didn’t water with this can). What weeds are these? What do I need to do with them? I’m feeling really stupid now (and frustrated that I’ve potentially caused myself so much work). Help please!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 29, 2019

Those are brassica (the genus that includes both lettuce and radish) seedlings. When you water, those tiny seeds get washed everywhere. A google image search for "lettuce and radish seedlings" will help you to confirm this.

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