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Q.what vegetables, aside from garlic, should i be planting now?

Zone provincetown, ma. 02657 | bigreddog added on September 4, 2014 | Answered

I’m going to plant garlic, as I do every year; what else in the way of vegetables should I be planting now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 5, 2014

I'm going to assume you're referring to planting outside. There are a lot of cool season, or late season vegetables you could have planted if you had started in July or August. However, this late in the season for your area there aren't so many choices. This article has some suggestions: http://www.pallensmith.com/articles/what-to-plant-in-your-fall-vegetable-garden
You can also get advice from your county extension service: This link will help you locate the nearest one:

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