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Hyacinth Plant

Q.varieties of rose of sharon shrubs

Zone Denver colorado 5 o6 zone , I believe | kathryn ayers added on April 8, 2015 | Answered

What varieties of rose of sharon shrubs are non-suckers? I am in charge of landscaping for a large HOA and want to put in rose of sharon shrubs. I know that there is at least one variety that does not sucker but I cannot remember the name. Due to the large area and cost of maintenance, it is necessary to not have any that sucker. At least 3 of them will be placed in filtered light area (some light shade most of day). Is there a variety that would work in these conditions best?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2015

There are some Rose of Sharon shubs that are considered sterile so that they do not seed, I hear they also do not sucker, at least not llke the others. Those varieties are:Diana White), Helena (white with red eye), Minerva (pale lavender), Aphrodite (pink with red eye) and also mone named Sugar Tip (pale pink and variegated leaves). Check on their growing habits and light needs when considering what will work best for your planting locations.

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