Q.What Type of Tree or Shrub Can I Use in Contrete Containers
In the area that I want to plant either trees or shrubs it is very windy and hot. The concrete containers are very large and in a corner where wind is trapped and the wall behind the containers are concrete also, probably 12 feet walls. What kind of plant or shrub would you suggest for this type of area? I work in child care, so it has to be ok to be at the entrance of the center.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You might like to look at Eucalyptus plants. They can take high heat and dry conditions, which your container trees would be facing.
Most evergreens also do well in these conditions. You may want to visit a locat nursery and ask about native evergreens for your area, most evergreens are hardy in heat and can tolerate dry and windy conditions.