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Pomegranate Trees

Q.What type of pomegranate tree is this?

Zone 9a | snakeskins added on March 24, 2015 | Answered

I submitted this pic to flower checker (app). They said it was a punica granatum nana which is a dwarf pomegranate tree. I know this can’t be a dwarf type because it’s already taller than me in its third year. Dwarfs are small and ornamental. This tree is about 6 ft tall. Might someone else give me a second opinion?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 24, 2015

I would agree that this is a punica granatum nana, or dwarf pomegranate.
They generally do stay in the 3 to 4 ft height, but it is possible to grow to 6 ft.

I would prune it back if your wanting to keep the plant to a smaller size for your garden space.
Pruning late winter or spring would be best, before the plant starts to grow.

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