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Jasmine Plants

Q.What type of Jasmine can I use as a small (12 -24 inches tall) bush.

Zone 32082 | coringroup added on February 1, 2019 | Answered

I am in North Florida and am looking for Jasmine plantings that I can use in a full sun location as a low growing shrub. The area is 12X12 ft. Also need it to be non deciduous in the winter here. (mild) I do not mind cutting them back to 2 feet or so if they get too high for the surrounding Drift Roses.
Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 1, 2019

Fortunately for you, growers have developed dwarf jasmine varieties. If you do a Google search for dwarf jasmine + shopping, you'll see the options. Since varieties change so fast, I don't have an article that discusses dwarf jasmine. I found Dwarf Radicans Gardenia, a hybrid of Gardenia jasminoides and "Snow-N-Summer" Asiatic jasmine. Most Asiatic jasmine is short in height but spreads out. It is often used as a groundcover. I'm sure you'll find more options by searching for dwarf or compact.

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