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Q.What type of ground cover seed will grow best for laterite slope?

Zone Manila Philippines | Anonymous added on September 27, 2017 | Answered

What type of ground cover seed will grow best for laterite slope?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 28, 2017

I don't have direct experience with this, but from my reading, laterite slopes can be stabilized or rehabilitated using some ground covers and some small shrubs. Look into Stylosanthes hamata and the other plants mentioned in the attached file. There may also be tropical grasses that will grow on this type of soil. Consulting a local expert (for example at an agricultural university) might be the best option

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Answered on September 27, 2017

Will you repost and include where you live, how large is the area, how steep is the slope, how many hours daily of direct sunlight does it get and how you plan to keep seed from washing out in heavy rain. Plants in the USA are on sale now and you may be able to put in some plants.

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