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Q.What To Use To Remove Moss From A Large Area Of Nutmeg Creeping Thyme?

Zone Richmond, B.C. Canada | Anonymous added on March 16, 2023 | Answered

I have a strip of creeping thyme bordering a long flower bed. The thyme is lovely. However, there is moss growing and I simply cannot take the time it takes to hand pick it. Cannot find any source that addresses how to remove the moss without destroying the thyme. I live in Richmond British Columbia, Canada. Would appreciate any help you can give. Unfortunately when we planted the thyme we did not remove all the gravel that was dumped in those lawns when the subdivision was created – we did remove wheelbarrows of it, but also brought in good soil. However, there is moss in many areas and the lawn is treated annually. Just don’t want to try something and kill the established thyme. Am grateful for any help you can give. I am elderly and not that savvy with the new technology – only have my desktop computer.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 17, 2023

I'm surprised your thyme is growing moss. Moss usually grows on areas without much vegetation or sun. Here are some tips to make it decrease over time.


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