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Succulent Plants

Q.what to I do with stalks with flowers

Zone 20906 | loiszalc added on April 10, 2017 | Answered

I have just started with growing succulents. I have a lot of luck and have studied plants a long time ago, but not succulents. Now that (I believe) they are starting to flower (a stem coming out from the plant with flowers at the end), what do I do with this flower stalk. Do I cut it off, just leave it there to continue to grow, use it to start propagation – I am such a novice that it is embarrassing. Any information you have for me would be so helpful. Thank you.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 11, 2017

Some succulents, such as the common Hen and Chick actually end their life cycle after blooming. Lucking you should have some offsprings or pups to continue on. These are called Monocarpic succulents.

Marmorata succulents will not die after blooming, Kolanchoe is an example of this type of succulent.

And by the way, we are all still learning! We love to help gardeners!

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