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Q.What to do with rain barrel in Zone 7 winter?

Zone Zone 7 | robinholly added on October 25, 2019 | Answered

Last spring I purchased my first rain barrel since moving to our current home. It has been a big help and I love having it but now that colder weather is coming I wanted to know if I have to disassemble and remove it from use.
The product manual states that it should be put away for winter but does this apply to all zones or just the coldest ones?
Thanks for your feedback!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2019

It freezes in zone 7 so you will want to dismantle it.

The problem will come when it has water in it and freezes. Since water expands when it freezes, it can split your rain barrel, or water tubing. For the longest lifespan, it will be best to follow all product instructions, carefully.

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Answered on November 8, 2019

Thanks for your reply, BushDoctor. It was full to the brim. I used what I could and had to drain the rest down the hill. :^( It was a bit of a bear removing it and putting back the downspout but was probably worth doing. We're supposed to have a freeze this weekend.

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