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Pussy Willow Trees

Q.What to do for a sick looking pussy willow

Zone 5 | franid added on August 25, 2012 | Answered

The pussy willow bush is at least 10 years old and was cut back last October due to an ice storm that made all the braches bend and touch the ground. It grew back and looked fine until this week when it looked wilted with some of the leaves toward the bottom turning brown. I watered it for about 15 mins. but still the same. I looked for bugs but did not find any. Any thoughts?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 26, 2012

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The pussy willow bush may have gotten a fungus and sometimes they are not easy to see. I recommend spraying the entire bush down well with a good fungicide. My own pussy willow bush seems to go through various stages of health after it too was broken down by a late heavy wet snow storm. I keep it sprayed with a fungicide at least twice a year and also give it a tree food spike or two every year. It is big enough that I give it two tree food spikes and I imagine yours is too at 10 years old now. Mine is around 20 years old.

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