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Q.What To Do About Alabama Jumper (Asian Snake Worms)?

Zone Washington DC | qwnr5k5 added on March 3, 2023 | Answered

These creatures are awful! They eat all organic material really fast, but their castings are like little tiny rocks, and they live and eat voratiously in the top couple of inches of soil only, so soon there’s no organic material at all in the soil. Also, once you see these in the garden or compost, there will never be another common earthworm seen there. Any compost pile we start, on cement even, gets infested with them. The eggs must be in the lawn clippings or leaves. Any idea how to work around them? They destroy compost, and the soil.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 3, 2023

This is a problem that, even, top scientist are having trouble with. Quite frankly, I'm having trouble finding any evidence that there is anything to be done about them that would not make your soil impossible for your standard earthworm to inhabit, unfortunately.

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