Q.What Time Of Year In The Pacific Northwest (Victoria BC) Would I Add Acidic Fertilizer Or Lime To Change The Color Of Moped Hydran
geas? Your article on this topic was helpful but I did not see a time of year included. Thank you.

The only exceptions that I follow here in Texas are for extreme environmental conditions:
• In places where the soil freezes, do not add the amendments if the soil is frozen; wait until the soil thaws instead. So for example, if the "next application" in a very cold location falls on January 15th and the soil is frozen, delay applying the amendments until the soil thaws; resume the applications then.
• Similarly, in hostile hot locations (38c or higher), you may want to delay adding amendments until environmental conditions improve as the plants will be very stressed. Just as you should not fertilize in those hostile hot conditions, consider delaying applying these products as well.
• Finally, if your area has been impacted by floods or fires within the last month, consider skipping the application or delaying it.