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Q.What things will grow well with hops?

Zone Northern Utah , Southern Idaho, United Sates of America | ASBoren added on March 24, 2015 | Answered

I am planting a small 20 ft x 20 ft raised bed garden this May, which will include hops vines around the edges, and I was wondering what practical (plants that I can use like herbs, vegetables, fruits…things that can be consumed basically) things can be planted on the interior of the bed without causing problems with the hops’ root system?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 24, 2015

Hops vines can grow up to 25 feet each year (growing up to a foot each day) so the vines and trellis they are on might cast a lot of shade on your garden as the growing season progresses so that is something to think about when you are choosing what to plant in your raised garden bed.

There are no recommended companion plants because hops tend to crowd out most other plants growing nearby. So basically it's the other way around - hops cause problems with other plants' root systems.

For more information on growing hops, please visit the following link:

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