Q.What the heck are these ugly bugs??
I live in southern Calif and have had Vinca plants for years. Sure, they have had a few buggy issues, but this is the first time I have seen anything like these ugly critters!! They seem to all want to congregate on one flower at a time and they are huge!
Mostly seen in the day time, but I just went out after sundown & saw just one. When the flash snapped, he must have flown off & I see this tiny green worm on the flower where the bug was!
The worm looks similar to the ones that attack my green beans…if these large bugs eat the worms….maybe I want to keep them? Really….my veggies have only been in the dirt for 3 weeks max and already, I have a variety of bugs! In one night something has eaten lacey holes in the largest of my cumumber leaves!! Wondering if this is even worth it at this point!!
Any comments or advice will be appreciated! Thanks, all!!

They appear to be "assassin bugs". And yes they are pest predators. Learn more about them with this artice: