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Soil Amendments

Q.What Soil Mix Is Best For Planting A Tree Seed With Cremated Ash?

Zone England | Anonymous added on April 1, 2021 | Answered

Hello there, I am trying to work out the best soil compost mix for planting a tree seed with cremated ash. My granny passed away sadly and we really want to plant some of her ash into a lovely tree in our garden. I’ve been reading up on it and know human ash has some harmful components to plants, such as high alkaline and salt levels. So I think that if I did 3 parts compost , 1 part chicken manure and 0.5 parts nitrogen fertiliser that should cover all bases – but I am not a gardener at all and that’s just desk research. Can anyone please tell me what ratio of ingredients would be best? Tree wise, I’m thinking either a Cherry Tree, Hawthorne, Eucalyptus or English Oak as they’re ok I’m salty soil and pretty hardy. I would be grateful for any advice – thank you!!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 2, 2021
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