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Pussy Willow Trees

Q.trimming dwarf pussy willow

Zone 6 | leftydag added on September 13, 2015 | Answered

What should I do with the new branches of my dwarf pussy willow that are touching the ground? We planted a dwarf pussy willow tree this past spring and there are several new growths (branches) laying on ground. Should I cut these off and where?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 15, 2015

Your plant will benefit from regular pruning and shortly after flowering is the best time.

Flowers form on the previous years growth not on new growth so don't prune until after flowers have faded.

Prune the lowest branches back to the trunk and then prune for shape.

You can even cut the entire shrub back to a 6 inch stump every 2 to 3 years. Severe pruning will give you longer stems and larger catkins.


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