Q.What Should I Do With My Plant Now? Can I Get It To Bloom Constantly Throughout The Year?
I received a Thanksgiving cactus plant on Dec. 23, 2021. It arrived with it’s buds tightly closed. Then within a week or 2 it bloomed with a moderate amount of pinkish red blooms. Now all of the greens are shiny and full but there are hardly any blooms left and the few that are there are withered and look like they will be dropping off of the plant. Is 2 weeks of blooming all I will get or will this plant show it’s pretty colors for a lot longer? When do I fertilize and when do I cover it over with a box to make it think it’s dark for more hours than it is?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are a few things that you need to know when caring for these plants. They can be a bit particular. Here are some articles that will help you to know what to do with them, next: