Q.What Should I Do With My Calla Lily?
I have this beautiful white calla lily about a month ago and I keep it indoor. They stop growing since 2 weeks ago. The tip of the flowers and leaves started to turning into crispy brown. (As picture shown) So, are they in dormant phase? Or lack of nutrient/water?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are many things that can cause this. Overwatering, too much nitrogen, not enough humidity, and many other factors can cause these sypmtoms.
I would treat with a fungicide and be sure to let the top inch of soil dry between waterings. Here are some articles that will help:

Cut off the stalks where the flowers were. The plant is putting its energy into making seeds instead of flowers. (those are seed pods at the top of the stalks) You may be able to get it to refocus and send up more blooms. Calla lily tubers increase in size and get large. Repot every year or two and use fresh potting mix.