Q.milkweed pods in garden
What should I do with milkweed pods growing in my garden? I live in a new survey and milkweed has been growing in my garden, which I did not know what to do with them. This year there are at least 30-50 pods and if I wait till they split and the seeds disperse, it would not be good in this survey. We have a golf course near us with many plants growing beside a stream. Could I take the pods there and just drop them amongst the grasses, or would this be illegal?

Yes, if you need to control the amount of Milkweed on the property and you are able to, I would collect the pods.
You certainly could save the seeds and scatter in an area that you would have permission to do so.
Also you may want to contact a local garden club. Perhaps the members would like some Milkweed seeds to have in their own gardens and properties.