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Hyacinth Plant

Q.what should I do to save my magnolia tree?

Zone ? | Freedman added on May 5, 2012 | Answered

80 degree temps in March for Michigan is unheard of. My Magnolia tree bloomed a month earlier than usual. While in full bloom, we experienced a hard freeze. . . . within one day all the flowers turned brown and look dried up. (Not just brown on the tips, they are totally brown. ) It has now been a month and they have not fallen off, and a few green leaves are trying to come through, but my tree looks terrible. What should I do to help it, and will it ever be healthy looking again? Thanks- Concerned in Michigan

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2012

Unusually cold weather can damage developing buds. So if it suffered from any cold damage, the tree may need to be pruned. Simply remove the dead brown leaves/buds. The tree should regrow its leaves though flowering may be inhibited some this season due to the cold damage. This article should also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/tips-for-saving-cold-damaged-plants.htm

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