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Lettuce Plants

Q.What plants to plant in what areas.

Zone Whitney,texas 76692 | Anonymous added on April 2, 2017 | Answered

Bought a lettuce plant it seemed to do good in the shade of indoors but when i put the you g plant in the window it would wilt? So i kept it in the shadie n well watered it seemed to love that now ive put it in my garden, dont know how it will do first day it has grow about 1/2 foot, before putting it out side im going to watch it. If i see its not working out can i grow it in the shade or put in green house? What about strawberrys i have very sandy soil n stays wet do to near french drain, is that a better place for strawberrys?,how do i know what plants will do well in shady areas, or sandy soil, or direct sun so i know what i can plant close to each other thank you Evelyn johnson

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 2, 2017

Lettuce likes shade. It is also a cool temperature plant, so it will try to go to seed.

For shade/sun requirements, you can look on the seed package for planting directions. If you bought a plant, the plant my have a tag for planting directions.

Otherwise, ask around. Find other gardeners; they are usually eager to help out.

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