Q.what pest is on my holly bushes
What pest is on my holly bushes? They are white and the size of a piece of rice. There are thousands of these white ‘things’ on the holly bush leaves in flat layers, as many as 20 on one leaf. Nothing else in the garden seems to be infected with these nasty things. What are they and what can I do to eliminate them?
I've culled a few different possibilities for you.
The eggs of white flies:
Photo: http://greenscenelandscape.com/images/whiteflyeggs2.jpg
More info & treatment: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/whitefly-control.htm
Cottony camellia scale:
Photo: http://www.gardenatoz.com/media/51523/IlexScale5808s_500x333.jpg
More info & treatment: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/control-plant-scale.htm