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Q.shade perennials

Zone zone 6, Norton MA 02766 | nbiron45 added on August 11, 2015 | Answered

What perennials will grow in shade and give me flowers all summer long? I have a significant area that is always in shade in my pool area. My need for an appealing garden is from 5/31 to 9/1. Early spring bloomers OK but not what I really need. I have found a great list of plants but majority of flowering ones seem to be spring and early summer. Also, there is a lack of info as to when to plant the various varieties. Can I get Geraniums to grow in shade? If so, can I plant them now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2015

Unfortunately there is nothing in a perennial that will bloom through an entire growing season.
Most perennial gardens are planted for a succession of blooms, for color throughout the season.

Shade gardens tend to offer a bit less flowering and foliages can take the stage.

I have listed some articles to add to your research.


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