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Corn Plants

Q.What Other Plants Can I Pot In The Same Pot As My Corn Plant? It’s Indoors

Zone 60466 | Anonymous added on April 17, 2021 | Answered

Actually, I’m new to this plant all together. I found it and took the time together the right soil, repotted it. I’m learning about the humidity etc. Leaves have little brown and little yellow some times more than others…any help is greatly appreciated

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 18, 2021

The brown tips are usually a watering or humidity issue. Make sure you are providing the recommended care. If they are allowed to dry too much between waterings the tips will brown. Here are their care tips below. Since they like moist soil and medium light, it's best to combine other plants with the same requirements. For example, a pothos might look nice nice trailing over the edge.




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