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Ghost Pepper Plants

Q.What might be wrong with this plant?

Zone 77422 | pena7791 added on February 19, 2019 | Answered

Hi, I recently acquired a ghost pepper plant and it seems to be “under the weather”. I am new to hot pepper growing and need some assistance. While the plant is still producing new leaves, they seems to be curling and have white fuzz on the leaves and stem. Older leaves have some brown spots on them and others have fallen off. I have attached a photo and would love some assistance in trying to save this guy.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 19, 2019

This is a severe fungal infection. You are going to want to go ahead and pot that up into a larger container with fresh soil. Make sure that the soil is not infected before using. It should smell like soil, but not rotting, or like bread or alcohol.

After potting up, make up a mixture of 1/4 peroxide, and 3/4 water. Water this once, and it will help to take care of the infection.

Make sure that you are not overwatering. If there is any moisture at all within two inches of the top of the soil, then you will want to wait until it is completely dry down to about two inches. Overwatering is the most common cause of this issue, so it is important to only water when necessary.

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