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Hyacinth Plant

Q.what low evergreen shrub to plant?

Zone zone 7 cutchogue ny 11935 | Anonymous added on September 23, 2016 | Answered

I wish to plant some shrubs in front of my generator. It measures 48″ along the ground and is 26″ high. During the summer mid May-mid August, it will get 11am to 3pm hot sun. The rest of the year it will be in shade. I thought of boxwood, dwarf cypress, euonymus, but nothing seems to fit the bill. No higher than 6 feet. Annual trimming ok. No more that 2 to three feet wide. A yew was there and did very well. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 25, 2016

Look for dwarf varieties of conifers to plant in this area.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Dwarf Blue Spruce, Arborvitae, and Mugo Pine would all be good choices.


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