Q.What Kind Of Growth Is Normal For New, Young Mango Trees?
My new young, small (18″) grafted Nam Doc Mai mango tree that I just planted out is putting out flowers instead of leaves. I don’t think this is good for the tree. Should I leave it alone, remove the flowers and hope it then puts out leaves, or what? I planted it out in February and it just sat there, doing nothing, until mid-April, when it suddenly shot up a 3″ flower inflorescence. What is going on and what should I do? I don’t think it can afford to put energy into flowers instead of leaves. If I remove flower inflorescence will it harm tree? Never seen this happen in such a young fruit tree. Need help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. If it is flowering at this time, then it is very stressed. Removing the flower will be appropriate.
However, you must correct the conditions that are causing the issue before it'll recover.
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