Q.What Is Wrong With My Venus Fly Trap
Since I purchased this 3 months ago the leaves have fallen off and now the remaining leaves are turning black. I water it two times a week and it sits on a windowsill with a lot of sun.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They have some specialized care needs. The soil should be moist but not wet. It needs at least 60 percent humidity, and avoid wetting the leaves when you water. Watering twice a week should be enough water, it might be too much. Make sure the soil isn't saturated. It looks like it could be. Also, use bottled water instead of tap.
The article below suggests growing them in a terrarium. That would provide the humidity and the moist soil. Are you feeding the plant flies? They need help getting food when indoors. Read over these care tips and see what your plant may need.