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Plumeria Plants

Q.What Is Wrong With My Plumeria

Zone Palm Coast Fl,32164 | Anonymous added on June 20, 2021 | Answered

Of all my plumerias I have never encountered this problem enclose is a photo. I have no idea what is wrong. We put this in a bigger pot cause the other one kept tipping over as it was to small.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 28, 2021

What I noticed first was the wrinkles in a couple of leaves which is usually a indication of a sucking insect such a mites, scale or mealybug and should be treated if there is an infestation. The photo wasn’t clear enough to get a better look. You might want to check the underside of the leaves as well for pests or other symptoms. Second possibility would be a lack of enough water. Since the plant is in a pot and looks to be in the sun, it will need to be watered more frequently than in the ground or one that gets slightly less shade.

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