Q.What is wrong with my Lemon Tree?
I have an old Lemon tree in a pot for many years. In September last year, this lemon tree was repotted (replanted) in a new pot. Now it grows in my flat, not in the house like before. 2016./2017 winter it lost all leaves because it was cold.
It had new leaves after the tree was replanted.
But now something is changed. It’s summer right now, but my lemon tree hasn’t any new leaves for a month.
However, the bigger problem is that my lemon tree has brown/yellow patches on the tips of the leaves.
I am worried. I don’t want to lose this beautiful tree. It is like a loved family member. What should I do?
Thank you!
Best regards,

I'm not sure why your lemon tree hasn't put out new growth for a month, but give it time and I believe it will. Because from the appearance of the leaves in the photos, the plant has adequate water and good nutrition.
The leaves look really green and large as if they had a high Nitrogen fertilization, or the potting soil was rich in organic matter and maybe even had some manure in it. If so, the little areas of browning at the tips could be from a salt burn from the fertilizer. It's very minimal and if it were mine I wouldn't worry about the brown tip at this time. Hold off on any more fertilizer until fall. Water adequately to leach excess fertilizer, but not so much as to cause root rot.