Q.What Is Wrong With My Knockout Roses?
Last year for the first time and now again this year, but worse, my Knockout rose bushes green and form buds beautifully only to have the leaves turn brown and almost transparent just before the blooms open. Last year they recovered to the point of looking decent over the summer and even bloomed but this year they look horrible! No research I have conducted even remotely describes this problem. I have pictures if needed.

I would recommend getting some fertilizer with a systemic insecticide in it and feeding your roses with that a couple of times about a month apart. Then switch over to a regular non-systemic rose food for the rest of the feedings. It sounds like you have either an insect or perhaps a rose slug problem when you say the foliage turns brown and nearly transparent.
Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian
Gardening Know How

there is a very,very small avid that may be eating the buds from the inside out.You might try seeweed and molases mixture. spray on plant.Plant absorbes the mixture and sends it throu out the plant therefore pumping it into the buds. good luck