Q.What Is Wrong With My Elephant Bush Variegated How Can I Fix It
I just recently changed with soil (succulent cacti mix with perlite and some rocks) but at first the leaves were yellowing and wrinkled. They were shriveled but had wrinkles instead of being plump but the soil was still moist. 3-4 leaves fell on their own and now the stems are turning pale/whitish. I was told to give it direct sunlight and then indirect sulight. After seeing how it was turning out I decided indirect was prob best but it kept getting worse.i was told to repot it with fresh soil but to let the roots dry just incase and idk I just want to be sure because k can’t get a clear answer anywhere and this is such a beautiful thing I’m terrified of losing it. I want it to be an I door plant but at this point I’ll put it on the moon if it saves it. Photos posted go from today to the day i brought it home so last pic is day 1.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They will not tolerate direct light. This is best kept in bright, but indirect light. Cactus and succulent soil is good for these. The problem that I am seeing is drainage.
That soil looks VERY wet. Wet soil and cool temperatures will be the primary killers of the plant. Make sure that your container has plenty of drain holes. Water needs to exit the container, freely, and immediately.

Thank you. T
I repotted it and made sure the soil was dryer. Whay else can I add to the succulent soil mix to help with drainage? I don't have many pots and they all have 1 hole in them so I want to ensure that I can keep it well drained. Is bonsai jack good? It's already starting to look a little better.