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Calla Lily Plants

Q.What Is Wrong With My Calla Lily?

Zone 7 | Jo Ann added on June 17, 2013 | Answered

The stems are turning mushy and collapsing. I have pulled the mulch of pine needles several inches away from the plant stems. The calla lily gets at least 6 hours of sun; the planting hole was 14 wide x 14 inches deep, filled with a mixture of regular garden soil, Miracle Grow Garden Soil, sand, Composted Black Cow Manure, and Organic Soil Conditioner, and Osmocote. The Calla Lily was in a pot and seemed healthy when purchased about 2 weeks ago.

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Jo Ann
Answered on June 19, 2013

Thank you for your response. I placed the plant at the same level as the ground. I have actually removed some of the soil away from the stems at the top of the ground to let the soil dry out to see if it would keep more stems from turning mushy. Would too rich a soil cause this problem?

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Answered on June 18, 2013

Did you place the plant at the bottom of the hole, or did you put it so that the pot soil level was at the same level as the ground? If the soil levels are about the same, and you have watered the plant thoroughly, I would suggest you consult the vendor. It sounds like you've tried to plant it correctly.

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