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Q.What is the main growing season for Imlay City, MI

Zone 48444 | Corine L. added on February 28, 2019 | Answered

I need to know how long I have to grow things, when I can plant both tender and hardy plants and when to expect a soft freeze and a hard freeze.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 1, 2019

Explore the gardening section of Michigan's Cooperative Extension Service, run by MSU. Here is the homepage: https://www.canr.msu.edu/home_gardening/
The frost-free date is found here: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/when_can_i_plant_check_your_areas_frost_free_date
The start date to the gardening season depends on what you are growing. Some flowers like pansies can take frost. So call the "cool season" vegetables like peas, beets, and lettuces and these can often be planted soon after St. Patrick's Day depending on weather. If winter hangs on and soil is wet and cold wait another week or two. Plants like annual flowers, tomatoes, cukes and corn- some of the "warm season" vegetables, don't get put out until the soil has warmed to 60 degrees. Putting them out sooner will set them back, if not kill them. That is often approximately the first week in June. Frost returns in October, mid October for me in SE Michigan. I hope you find the extension service website helpful. There is an office in your county where you can pick up brochures or talk to a Master Gardener.

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