Q.what is the least laborious way to convert a crappy lawn to ground cover?
it’s for my south exposure front lawn, sz 20×20′ I’m in zone 5. I’ve been reading your sight re ground covers but would like your recommendations for ground cover plants a dummy can look after. I’m over 70 years old and don’t want to be working much on my yard. thanks, sylvia
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You'll need to kill off your existing grass first. This article explains natural ways of killing grass that, although not particularly labor-free, may be a good alternative to chemical methods: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/weeds/how-to-kill-grass-naturally-kill-unwanted-grass-in-your-yard.htm
If you want to use a chemical, choose a nonselective herbicide with glyphosate in it.
Here's info about groundcovers for Zone 5: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/gardening-by-zone/zone-5/ground-covers-in-zone-5.htm