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Garden Problems

Q.What is the best way for me to handle a large, neglected garden?

Zone Wind Gap, PA 18091 | Anonymous added on August 26, 2019 | Answered

I recently moved to a house in eastern PA that has a garden area, about 50 ft x 25 ft, that had been neglected for about 4 years. The weeds had overtaken it. I dug up some and weed whacked most.We would like to till the soil and even out the ground, but I have read that this will encourage weed growth. We are also considering covering the area with cardboard or weed block, leaving it like that over the winter, and then working on one small portion at a time. I would love to know what an experienced gardener would recommend. Thanks!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 27, 2019

Covering the area with cardboard or clear plastic will suffocate the weeds, but works best when the weather is warm. It also works well to use glyphosate to kill whatever is green and growing. Since you aren't in a hurry, you could do the cardboard method first, then when you are ready to work on it, you can use glyphosate if any weeds remain growing.

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