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Houseplant Pest Control

Q.best insecticide

Zone 4? | KBH0918 added on October 12, 2015 | Answered

What is the best systemic insecticide for scale, mites and ok for cycads, ponytail palms and begonias? We have an indoor “oasis” at my office. Scale is a large scale problem. I don’t want to harm or kill off these 30 year old plants. Sentimental value. Have to rid them of the scale, spider mites, tiny red bugs, ants, and powdery (mold)? I also can’t spend lots of time and $ rectifying this issue. I have taken several good photos of the nuisances. I believe a couple are attached. These insects are going going to kill off these beautiful plants. There are too many, too tall, INDOOR raised, to treat each and every leaf. Most are too large to get out of any doors. PLEASE HELP!

This is in Kansas City, MO.
Thank you!! 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 13, 2015

Treat the plants with Neem Oil. Neem Oil works as both an insecticide and fungicide, it is organic and is safe for people and pets.
You may need to do multiple treatment until the infestations are under control.

Here is a link for you.


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