Q.What Is The Best Pot For This Tall Succulent Cutting?
Hi! In the photo you’ll see a cutting from what I think is a euphorbia Stellata but am not sure. It was cut from a plant with several arms. It is 2 feet long. I wasn’t sure how big or deep a pot to plant it in. Could you tell me? Thank you! Photos attached.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like an African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona). I would use a heavy container, like pottery, so it doesn't fall over. Since you don't have roots yet, you don't want a large container because the excess soil moisture could cause rotting. So only about six inches wide. As the root ball grows and it needs repotting, only go up one or two sizes at a time. Be sure you use a well-draining cactus mix soil.
Here is more info (yours may not be the rubra variety).