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Germinating Seeds

Q.what is ideal temperature for seed germination?

greenthumbde added on December 28, 2010 | Answered

I have a grow light set up in my office with several house plants thriving. I want to utilize these lights to germinate seeds for spring veggie and flower plants. I have a thermometer in one of the larger 10inch pots and it shows a constant 63°. Is this adequate or does the seed starting media need to be warmer?  What is the optimal temperature to receive the best results?

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 29, 2010

Germinating temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees F for most vegetables. Some cool-season vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and peas tend to do well when started at temperatures of about 55 degrees F. Once they have sprouted, keep the light 4-6 inches above the plant other wise they will get spindly reaching for the light. Give them 14-16 hours of light per day. One way to get optimum light on your plants is to make a foil tent over the light so that it's light refects all around the plants.

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Answered on December 28, 2010

Most seeds need to germinate at a warm constant temperature. I have found that many people do not know about “nicking” Nicking is something that is required prior to germinating very hard seeds. If the out shell or seed is very hard you must use a sharp razor knife pie shape nick out of the shell without damaging the inner seed. Once nicked if needed the hot water heater is the warm constant temperature. Simply place the seeds warm water for a little while, and then place them in a folded moist paper towel. Keep it moist until you see sprouting with two or more seeds then you will need to transport the sprouting seeds to a very rich sandy loom soil in a small starter container. Make sure you Keep the soil moist and allow for sun light or artificial light. Care take the starter container feeding and watering do not over water or burn the new sprouts with the artificial light. When the new sprouts and root base starts to out grow the small container you can transplant to larger containers remember that plants go into a form of shock with transplanting so you need to ad liquid vitamins many companies have products specific for your plants.

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