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Q.What is happening to my marigold plant?

Zone Navi Mumbai | sukku added on November 16, 2018 | Answered

We just bought the plant last week. It was fine until two days ago when the leaves of the lower section started drooping. Today the one and only flower bud also drooped.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 17, 2018

The new leaves and buds look like they have burnt and then slowly the whole branch dries up and becomes crispy.All the leaves and the bud have fallen off the plant. Does the plant still have a chance for survival?

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Answered on November 17, 2018

I suspect transplant shock from root disturbance and drying out of the soil and roots. The soil surface in the pot appears dry.

Water it well and it may perk up and survive. Give it a week or two to show signs of improvement.

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