Q.What is happening to my lucky bamboo?
We transferred a root bound plant to a new vase with distilled water. Before that it was in tap water. It is now yellowing and a stalk is wrinkling. This plant is about 10 years old and was kept on a window sill. I have kept it out of direct light. Even after the transfer, the water is continuing to smell and I’m afraid to change the water again. I saw a suggestion to remove rocks and keep in just water as it may be the rocks. I also thought about putting in soil. I hate to lose this wonderful plant. I hope you can help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am wondering if it's because you've changed the location of the plant or if you've put a different fertilizer in the water. You may want to remove the bad leaves and see if the plant perks up, but the smell in the water is suspect. See if this article helps: